Thursday, September 16, 2004

Topics for Reporting

As discussd in class, the following are the topics for the group reports:

1. The Google IPO
2. Enron Corp. and Arthur Andersen scandal
3. Worldcom Scam
4. Nick Leeson and Barings Bank

The groups are required to prepare a presentation to the class on the above topics. Relate the story and show its relevance to our class. For research materials, you can check the internet. After the class presentation, the groups are likewise required to submit a ten-page summary of the report, which should include the sources.

The presentation shall be graded as follows: 50% substance 50% creativity of presentation.

The written report will be graded as follows: 50% substance and 50% form of report.


At 5:02 PM, Blogger Marvin Aceron said...

Ms. F Don't be disheartened. It's part of your training as a lawyer. Every lawyer should start with this: GUTS. You can commit mistakes. You can displease clients, judges, and other people. But so long as you have guts, you have enough to build on. So just snap out of it.


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